Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Test 1 Topics

Yes, it's confirmed - we will meet in the library tomorrow to work on our Calculus Movie Project! See you there...

Here’s a list of topics that will be covered on this Thursday’s Chapter 1 Test. I’ve tried to indicate where a similar homework problem would be helpful.

  • Interpolation – given data or a graph, estimate/determine new points in the relationship/function. (1.1 - #17, 1.2 - #11,19)

  • Extrapolation – given data or a graph, estimate/determine new points in the relationship/function. (1.1 - #17, 1.2 - #11,19)

  • How does a graph change when certain values within the function vary? (1.4 - #31,34)

  • Given f(x) and g(x) (algebraically, numerically or graphically), determine values for f(g(x)) given x. (1.3 - #55)

  • Determine f(x) given a graph. (1.5 - #17)

  • Determine the range of a function. (1.1 - #23)

  • Determine the domain of a function. (1.1 - #23)

  • Determine an appropriate viewing window for a given function. (1.4 - #7,13)

  • Determine g(x) as a result of transformations of f(x). (1.3 - #3)

  • Work with inverse functions. (1.6 - #19)

  • Sketch a graph illustrating a given functional relationship. (1.1 - #11)

  • Sketch a graph given a transformed function. (1.3 - #3)


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